Past Group Members

Dr Dominic Gray
Dom graduated from the University of Warwick with a MChem with professional experience in 2014. In his final year project, he researched reversibly crosslinking thermoresponsive nanogels in the group of Prof. Rachel O’Reilly. Dom then completed his PhD in the group of Dr Seb Spain at the University of Sheffield. His project was part of the CDT for polymers, soft matter and colloids and CASE sponsored by BASF. This project was investigating controlled radical polymerization in surfactant-free aqueous conditions. Dom moved to the University of Liverpool and joined the McDonald group in May 2019 where he was researching in situ forming implants for drug delivery. In July 2022 Dom joined the Giardiello group as a PDRA to begin investigation towards Inorganic/Organic Nanocomposite Particle development.
Masters Students
Daniel Anning (2023-2024)
Alexandra Wright (2022-2023)
George Coombs (2022-2023)
Jessamy Riley (2021-2022)
Harriet Bott (2020-2021)
Third Year Project Students
Alisha Sispal (2024)
Sophie Woodland (2023)
Isobel O'Brien (2023)
Alexandra Wright (2022)
Summer Project Students
Sophie Woodland (2023)
Keqing Liu (2022)
Isha Gorania (2021)